RestaurantsPhotographs from some of our fine dining (and other) meals in France and elsewhere in Europe
Click on an image to go to the restaurant photographs. Multiple visits are sorted by date
Click on an image to go to the restaurant photographs. Multiple visits are sorted by date
- Ammerschwihr - Aux ArmesNew chef from July 2019
- Baldock - The Arburyclosed 2022
- Chaumousey (near Epinal) - la…closed 2021
- Epinal - CitizenClosed 2017
- Epinal - In Extremis par Nicolas…closed. Moved to Chaumousey (near Epinal) - Maison Grandclaude
- La Bresse - la Table d'Angeleclosed 2022
- La Vancelle - ElisabethClosed in 2009
- London (Bethnal Green) -…closed in October 2017
- London (Clapham) - The Dairyclosed 2020
- Saint-Dié-des-Vosges - Table de…closed in spring 2012
- Schiltigheim (near Strasbourg) -…closed in May 2010
- Senones - Bon GîtePhilippe Thomas retired in 30 june 2020
- Strasbourg (Koenigshoffen) - la…Closed 2018?
Click on an image to go to the restaurant photographs. Multiple visits are sorted by date